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More than 1,000 food products in Japan set for September price hikes

Prices for a total of 1,392 products from 195 major Japanese food manufacturers will go up in September, a survey by research firm Teikoku Databank showed Friday.
While the number of products with price increases is down 35.2% from a year earlier, this is the first time it has exceeded 1,000 since April.
Despite persistent pressure to raise prices amid rising raw material costs and the yen’s weakness, companies are finding it difficult to do so due to concerns about its impact on consumption, Teikoku Databank said.
Among the companies surveyed, Nissui will increase the prices for 37 of its frozen food products by 2% to 11%. Nichirei Foods, Maruha Nichiro and Nissin Frozen Foods will raise the prices for its ready-made meal, pasta and other products.
Ajinomoto AGF will hike prices for 116 of its coffee products while Nestle Japan and UCC Ueshima Coffee will make similar moves for their bottled coffee products.
Among ice cream products, Meiji’s Essel Super Cup and Morinaga & Co.’s Choco Monaka Jumbo will see price increases next month.
